Message from Blair:
As a five-year old child, I eagerly collected my four quarters and carefully placed them into the envelope. I then wrote a scribbled letter, requesting to receive the talisman I had read about on the back page of my comic book, promising the fulfillment of my dreams if I slept with it beneath my pillow. Living in a home with alcoholism, life was uncertain and sometimes even scary. When the coin arrived, it symbolized an element of control that I had over my destiny, and so began my relationship with the power of intention.
While that talisman has gotten lost over the years, the thought process and practice of intention setting has been a way of life for me ever since. A few years ago, as Jenny and I were planning for our annual Visioning Workshop, I expressed a desire to create a coin that would serve as an anchor for people as they clarify their own dreams, just as my first coin had done for me.
Everything that I enjoy in my life today is the result of an intention that I have set in the past. May these coins be your beacon of light, amidst the storms of life, calling you forward into the fulfillment of your own dreams.
Blair Abbass
Message from Jenny:
At the age of 29, I bid farewell to my students and fellow staff at Kitsilano High School in Vancouver to embark on an 800km trek across Spain, called the Camino de Santiago. Leaving all personal belongings behind, I went in search of my deepest dreams, which then led me to India, where my vision of becoming a spiritual teacher crystalized.
It may sound exotic but the reality was, I had resigned from a job with a $60,000 salary to earning $5,000/year teaching yoga in small communities in Eastern Canada, long before yoga was cool. But I had spent too many years ignoring my hearts calling, and I was determined to
see this through. In a two-person tent along the shores of Shortt’s Lake, I read everything I could find on the art of manifestation. I diligently replaced self-doubt with faith and crafted details and images of my best self with reckless abandon. My whole life became a sacred ritual of communion with my higher power, as I asked that my life be used for good.
Fast forward almost twenty years, I am happy to report that many business awards later and dramatic improvements in my income, my love and work life reflect the intentions I set so many years ago when I began my journey of living authentically.
These coins that I’ve designed are the physical manifestation of the spiritual teachings I’ve had the honor of receiving from many of the greatest thought leaders alive today.
May these intention coins and the supplementary materials provided, help you to create your own blueprint of the best version of you. When insights arise, write them down, sing them out loud, share them with trusted friends. But most importantly, believe in yourself and your heart’s desires.
How to use these coins:
These coins are the material expression of your deepest dreams. With the understanding that thoughts and beliefs significantly contribute to the quality of your life, these coinsserve as a continual reminder of what it is you are calling forth into your current reality.
They are small enough to carry in your pocket or wallet. You can hold them while you walk or go about your day. By placing them at the top of your yoga mat or meditation cushion, they make a perfect focal point, or drishti for your practice. They can be placed on your dash while driving, or rest on a special shelf with your written intention. These beautiful coins also make very meaningful gifts for loved ones.
But these coins are not just magnets that draw everything you want into your world, they will also challenge you to grow in ways that are necessary in order for you to attract your dreams. After all, if you were aligned with your dreams already, you'd be living them now!
In this case, the coins may serve as your teacher (true to the word education which means to draw forth) as it draws forth your highest potential. In those moments of daydreaming, which
we all do whether we're conscious of it or not, don't just envision yourself receiving the results of your intentions, but imagine who you must become and how you must grow in order to fit into this new paradigm. Over time, as you continue to use the coins as a representation of your highest self, you will discover inner resources within that you didn't realize you possessed!
Be creative, have fun with your coins and remember that anything, absolutely anything is possible with focused intent and belief in your dreams.
Let us know how your journey unfolds!