Introductory Launch Price: Regular $29.95 now only $19.99+hst until March 31st, 2021. includes a FREE 20 min Meditation to help manifest your dream!

LISTEN to a short sample of the AUDIO FILE that you can download with the purchase of this coin.
This coin comes with a free meditation to help you on your journey to abundance.
About the design of this coin:
I embrace abundance and magnetize prosperity, success & goodness into my life.
Om Shreem
The lotus flower reflects the dreams we are fertilizing with our abundance mindset. The determined lotus rises from its mucky origins, leaving outmoded ways behind to blossom brilliantly. The spirals symbolize the many avenues of abundance that flow through our lives when we expand our perspective of what’s possible. Purple was once the hardest colour to make and has been symbolic of prosperity for ages.
May you accept the invitation to live abundantly!
Tag Line | Coin |
Audio File |
Weight | Weight: 1.3 oz |
Dimensions | Dimensions: 4 cm × 4 cm × 4 cm |